The Safe Choice for Pets in China

Connecting pet owners to verified pet sitters

The Safe Choice for Pets in China

Connecting pet owners to verified pet sitters

What pet owners are booking now
Check In
¥80-100/Per Visit
Feeding, playtime, etc. 30-60 min visit by Spare Sitter to check in on your pet.
Dog Walking
¥50-90/Per Walk
When you are busy or away. Verified Spare Sitter will keep your dog happy and active.
House Sitting
¥150-200/Per Day
¥200/Per Day
¥150/Per Day
Spare Sitter comes and stays with pets at your home. Stress-free pets stay in their home.
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How to find a pet sitter?

Find a verified pet sitter in 3 easy steps...

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When you book with Spare Leash we promise...

We treat your pets as if they were our own.

  • Daily photo and video updates
  • In-home services, 100% Cage-free
  • Experienced and verified pet sitters
  • Stress-free, keep your pet’s daily routine
  • AVC Vet Care
  • Pet deals from verified pet brands
  • 24/7 Bilingual customer support
  • Ping’an pet insurance available with every booking
When you book with Spare Leash we promise...
We treat your pets as if they were our own.
  • Daily photo and video updates
  • In-home services, 100% Cage-free
  • Experienced and verified pet sitters
  • Stress-free, keep your pet’s daily routine
  • AVC Vet Care
  • Pet deals from verified pet brands
  • 24/7 Bilingual customer support
  • Ping’an pet insurance available with every booking

What our friends say

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All pet sitters are VERIFIED

All Spare Sitters need to complete an application process which includes submitting a valid passport photo, bio, and pet experience.

If they pass part one of the application process then they must go through a face-to-face interview before being active on the site.

Our acceptance rate for sitters falls around 40%. To us, pet sitting is not a job that can be taken lightly but a big responsibility.

All pet sitters are VERIFIED

All Spare Sitters need to complete an application process which includes submitting a valid passport photo, bio, and pet experience.

If they pass part one of the application process then they must go through a face-to-face interview before being active on the site.

Our acceptance rate for sitters falls around 40%. To us, pet sitting is not a job that can be taken lightly but a big responsibility.

Take care of pets with Spare Leash
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Book a pet taxi

Pet friendly ride, 100% of the time

Book a pet taxi

Pet friendly ride, 100% of the time

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SL Pet Insurance

Show your pet some love and get them insured today

SL Pet Insurance

Show your pet some love and get them insured today

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