Check in
All it takes is 30 or 60 Minutes
Have a new pet at home or just don't have the time? Book a sitter today who can pop on over to your place and make sure everything is okay.
Book Now
Dog Walking
Check in white
Check In
Vet Run
Dog Boarding
House Sitting
Basic Dog Training
Check In Visits Include
Accident clean-up
Litter box cleaning
Quick play session
Picture/ Video Updates
Food/ Water Refill
Medication if required
Check In Price
30 Minutes 80RMB
60 Minutes 100RMB
Multiple Pets
+ 20RMB per additional dog
+ 10RMB per cat after 2 cats
Check in
All it takes is 30 or 60 Minutes
Have a new pet at home or just don't have the time? Book a sitter today who can pop on over to your place and make sure everything is okay.
Check In Visits Include
Accident clean-up
Litter box cleaning
Quick play session
Picture/ Video Updates
Food/ Water Refill
Medication if required
Check In Price
30 Minutes 80RMB
60 Minutes 100RMB
Multiple Pets
+ 20RMB per additional dog
+ 10RMB per cat after 2 cats