Dog Boarding
Animals stay at sitters home, cage free and comfortable.
While you are away, you can have the peace of mind knowing that no one makes your dog feel more welcome, safe and comfortable than our team of pet loving sitters at Spare Leash. Your animal will be cage free, walked and given the attention they require and deserve.
Book Now
Dog Walking
Check in
Check In
Vet Run
Doghouse white
Dog Boarding
House Sitting
Basic Dog Training
Additional Services
Daily walks
Unlimited playtime
Washing pet dishes
Picture/ Video Updates
Purchase extra food if needed
Medication if required
Flexible drop-off and pick-up times available
Collect Mail
*If you would like to suggest a service to fit your animals needs, please feel free to do so.
*We only offer dog boarding services. For cat boarding please contact Spare Support on top of the page. For other cat services please check out our services below:
Check in or House Sitting
Dog Boarding Price
Group Boarding: 150RMB (Few dogs together)
Single Boarding: 200 RMB (No other dog)
Multiple Dogs
+ 20RMB per additional dog
Dog Boarding
Animals stay at sitters home, cage free and comfortable.
While you are away, you can have the peace of mind knowing that no one makes your dog feel more welcome, safe and comfortable than our team of pet loving sitters at Spare Leash. Your animal will be cage free, walked and given the attention they require and deserve.
Additional Services
Daily walks
Unlimited playtime
Washing pet dishes
Picture/ Video Updates
Purchase extra food if needed
Medication if required
Flexible drop-off and pick-up times available
Collect Mail
*If you would like to suggest a service to fit your animals needs, please feel free to do so.
*We only offer dog boarding services. For cat boarding please contact Spare Support on top of the page. For other cat services please check out our services below:
Check in or House Sitting
Dog Boarding Price
Group Boarding: 150RMB (Few dogs together)
Single Boarding: 200 RMB (No other dog)
Multiple Dogs
+ 20RMB per additional dog